At LeackStat we know that you are interested in staying up to date with science, with advances and innovations in technology, that is why we want to invite you to participate in the Webinar
Thursday, May 13, 2021
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (UTC -5)
Organized by the IEEE Computer Society Panama and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch of the University of Panama together with SENACYT (National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation)
This will be a great opportunity to learn about everything that the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT) of the Republic of Panama offers, such as its activities, projects and programs.
The primary objective of SENACYT is to strengthen, support, induce and promote the development of science, technology and innovation in order to raise the level of productivity, competitiveness and modernization in the private sector, the government, the academic-research sector. , and the population in general, is why LeackStat, Inc. supports and recommends this activity.
Do not hesitate and participate!
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