
LeackStat se complace en anunciar su selección entre más de 200 startups para participar en el Programa de Incubación 2024 de Fundación CDS

The company redefines sales prospecting with AI agents that automate lead generation and qualification. This innovation enhances efficiency, boosts conversions, and drives growth.

AI continues to set the pace for cultural and technological advances in previously unimagined ways.

Since the middle of the 20th century, the horizon of AI has grown exponentially, in terms of its recognition, investment, development, and application.

Machine learning algorithms scan millions of transactions in banks’ fraud detection centers, flagging suspicious patterns human analysts might miss.

Artificial intelligence in banking goes beyond simple automation; it incorporates advanced technologies that mimic human thought processes to improve a range of banking procedures.

Financial fears and geopolitical tremors combine to great effect

Bank of America Corp. nearly doubled the number of patents related to AI and machine learning in two and a half years as financial firms race to embrace the evolving technology.

Artificial intelligence is having a huge impact on the U.S. federal government’s fraud detection efforts.

A collaborative project led by ASU aims to optimize processes, address material shortages