It will probably come as no surprise to many following the subject that AI is just as much of a debated topic amongst business owners as it has been amongst the general public. Skepticism around new and unproven technology is always strong although if recent reports are anything to go by, artificial intelligence looks to be a debate we only get once in a generation.
As the recent survey from Blackberry suggests, the vast majority of businesses worldwide have ruled out the use of software like ChatGPT for the future. With that said some business leaders are embracing the new technology and are looking to the massive potential it has. So, which industries are the ones that will most take to the new possibilities?
The area that we’re already seeing things like ChatGPT being employed in is overwhelmingly customer service. On the face of it, it makes the most sense as an extension of the automation processes over the past few decades. The much-maligned automated telephone menus and customer service ‘chatbots’ are effectively just giving way to a more advanced version of the same, except now with the ability to better understand customer comments.
This is not to say that ChatGPT and software has outright replaced customer service departments. These systems are still in their infancy and, while they can easily handle the most common issues customers may have, they are still flawed in that they draw from a limited database of information and cannot be creative or abstract in problem-solving.
What many are expecting to see is a hybrid system that runs on the same premise as current chatbots: the bulk is handled by the automated replies and specific requests are still fielded by a human rep. This fits specialist service providers such as VPN companies or perhaps online casinos. Given how much importance is given to customer service quality across that industry, it likely won’t be long before real money casinos in Canada, the US, or beyond start making extensive use.
There has always been a huge trade-off in the training field between convenience and experience. Having an in-person expert is always the best option where available, however, this then requires logistics and premises to operate which ramps up costs. On the other hand, remote learning is a far more cost-effective and convenient option but loses a lot of the personal touch.
This is why educational and training companies have been experimenting with transferring some features to an immersive chat option. In most cases, this is not replacing the trainer directly but instead adds the realistic interactions that learners miss out on remotely. One company in particular, language giant Duolingo, has already started integrating ChatGPT for language practice with the AI system acting as a real conversation partner.
On the more corporate side of training, there is potential to overhaul another slightly outdated system. Employee training has been infamously sluggish and slow-paced over the years, with the cost of creating new materials meaning that old versions are circulated for many years or are in text form only. The result is that the multiple training sessions throughout the year are both time-consuming and something of an irritant to employees.
With AI systems, not only is there the personal conversation aspect to the software, but updating the system can be done from a single central database whenever there is new information. It would effectively allow companies, for a single initial outlay, to have an engaging training platform that can be updated with negligible costs for many years. It would also automate the process as it would not then require a member of staff to run sessions.
It is important to remember that we are still at the very beginning of the development of this kind of chat software and it isn’t really possible to gauge the amount of applications it could have in the business world. There are many big discussions that are ongoing to judge any limits or policies that need to be put in place, although we can almost guarantee it isn’t going anywhere.
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