
Zapier: 60% of knowledge workers use automation to save time


The number one reason knowledge workers — regardless of role — use automation is to save time, according to a new survey by ZapierMarketers save the most time due to automation tools, an average of 25 hours saved each week, followed by IT professionals at 20 hours, customer service representatives at 16 hours and HR professionals at eight hours. The amount of time saved translates into each role’s loyalty toward automation.

For example, marketers (86%), IT professionals (88%), and customer service representatives (79%) are also the most likely to say that they’ll implement automation software in their next role. Most surprisingly, nearly 30% of knowledge workers say they received a raise or promotion as a result of using automation software. Additionally, knowledge workers say using automation tools improved their morale (35%), competence (34%), and confidence (32%) at work. Employees who don’t have to stress about tedious tasks, inaccurate data, and miscommunication can help create a happier and more confident workforceHow you use automation and how it benefits you depends a lot on your role. Accountants found that reduced errors (33%) was the primary benefit of automation. Given the detail-oriented nature of this role — that makes sense. IT professionals said that receiving a promotion (36%) was the primary benefit. IT professionals are expected to help streamline other people’s work, so it makes sense that automation could help them get a promotion. Sales and customer service representatives cited increased confidence (35%) as one of the primary benefits. These high-pressure and often micro-managed roles are benefitting from the confidence automation can provide.

More than half of knowledge workers use automation tools every day. Marketers are leading in automation usage, which means there is considerable opportunity for other roles to catch up.

Read the full report by Zapier.

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