
Why a retreat for stocks might be fast approaching, according to Deutsche Bank. The organization that in the U.S. says whether the economy is in a recession or not seems to be asleep on the job.

The steady rise of AI and machine learning is providing organizations with enormous value—helping to make sense of massive data sets, and find patterns that can automate programs across industries.

Inflows into cryptocurrency funds and products hit a record $4.5 billion in the first quarter, data from digital currency manager Coinshares showed on Tuesday.

Since the dawn of the computer age, humans have viewed the approach of artificial intelligence (AI) with some degree of apprehension.

Stock futures edged lower after a record-setting session on Wall Street, which sent the S&P 500 sailing further above the 4,000 level.

The purpose of designing and training algorithms is to set them loose in the real world, where we expect performance to mimic that of our carefully curated training data set.

At the current price of around $288 per share, we believe Facebook’s stock has about 25% growth potential in the near term.

Boston Consulting Group judged organizations’ AI use against a framework to assess how responsible they’re being. Executives are overestimating unsurprisingly overestimating their maturity.

Valuations aside, stocks are up because earnings are up

Value-creation in business intelligence (BI) has followed a consistent pattern over the last few decades.